HR Transformation Strategy and Performance

2019 Jun,10

The human resources of a company (HR) or human resources is a function and / or department of the area of 'Management and administration of companies' that organizes and maximizes the performance of the officials, or human capital, in a company or organization to increase your productivity.


What are Human Resources?

Human resources outside the context of a function or a department of a company are synonymous with human capital, that is, the employees of a company.


Importance of the Human Resources Department

The administration and digital HR transformation are significant in a company or organization because it manages the human resource, therefore the least likely and dynamic support. Good management of human resources generates, as a chain process, the following benefits and advantages:


•    Improve and take advantage of the abilities and skills of workers.

•    Increases the performance, quality, and production of both the worker and the company.

•    The good interpersonal relationship between workers creates motivation and good weather.

•    The good interpersonal relationship between workers and HR makes everyone feel heard and valued.

•    The renewal of jobs or the creation of new jobs is implemented harmoniously for all.

•    Competent people occupy the positions for that job and compatible with the work team.

•    This type of resources is those that give an identity to the organization since they are what form the culture of the company through factors such as the type of communication and the real motivation.


Functions of the Human Resources Department


The Human Resources Department is exclusively dedicated to everything related to personnel management including HR transformation services. Among its main tasks, include:


•    The process of selecting and hiring staff,

•    Monitoring and ongoing training,

•    Creation of efficient communication channels,

•    The creation and maintenance of a good working environment,

•    Motivate team to encourage efficiency and satisfaction at work,

•    The process of bonuses, incentives, awards, absences, replacements, retirement, and dismissal,

•    And, sometimes they are also in charge of payroll management and the relationship with union representatives.



Planning of HR Transformation Services


Human resources planning or transformation services is the process in which the forecast of the needs related to the human resources of a company or organization is analyzed and determined. In this type of needs, the forecast of personnel demand is included, according to the needs of the organization at a global level. Planning can lead, among others, to the selection process of new personnel and training activities for the recycling of workers.


What is HR Transformation Strategy?


It is the challenge of transforming the Human Resources function.


Context and origin of the transformation


The function of human resources in the company are the functions of production, commercial and administration. Therefore, every company has a human resources function, although not every company has a human resources department, or a person in charge, head or director of human resources.


The role within the company depends or should depend on the strategy of the company, although traditionally, as a support function, it has not always been perceived as a function aligned with the policy of the company. In a way, the value that the HR transformation services contributed to the achievement of the company's objectives is put in question. In many cases, it is still considered as a cost center that does not provide value other than as a key strategic function when it comes to ensuring the achievement of objectives.


This new HR transformation strategic positioning of the function requires the roles to be effectively carried out to be successful in supporting the achievement of the company's strategy.


Transform Human Resources


As a strategic partner, you will have to ensure the availability of human capital in the quantity and quality required by the company. As a change manager, he/she will contribute to the implementation of the organizational and technological changes of the company, developing programs that facilitate the adaptation of people to these changes. As an HR Advisor, the function is to provide service to his different internal clients when managing and motivating work teams on a day-to-day basis.


Approach a Process of HR Transformation


To make the transition from a traditional model to an HR strategic model of human resources, it is necessary first of all to perform a function diagnosis. Through this diagnosis, we will identify the degree of adequacy of the function to the strategy and the processes of the company. There are six main dimensions or variables to analyze in this diagnosis:


1.    The objectives of the function, its strategy, and priorities: To what extent the service is aligned with the policy of the company.

2.    What activities must be performed by the function and which are external?

3.    The processes of human resources, their efficiency, and effectiveness when providing service.

4.    The technology, its adaptation to the changes to be made: To what extent the technology allows to automate the administrative processes and streamline the operations of higher added value.

5.    The structure, quantity, and quality of the people directly involved in the management of human resources: To what extent are sufficient resources available and with the variety required to provide service to the company.

6.    Corporate governance, how the responsibilities of the management of the function are distributed and how their results are monitored and measured.



Once this diagnosis is completed, the new model of the HR transformation services will be designed. For this, the analyzed factors will be redefined as long as it is necessary: establishments of objectives required a degree of outsourcing and processes to be outsourced, improvement and redesign of the operations, the definition of the most appropriate technological platform, and organization of the management of the function. This transformation requires a new agenda that includes new priorities and incorporates new tools, including the use of human resources software.


Finally, the model is implemented, with particular emphasis on the implementation of the new technical support and the team's technical and attitudinal training.



What is the Key to the Success of HR transformation Services?


The primary key to any process of change is in the first place in people, secondly in the correct definition of new methods and as a culmination in technology. People are responsible for starting the new systems if they resist the change they can turn the whole process into a dead letter and continue with their previous guidelines even if they formally use new tools.


Hence, the digital HR transformation must follow a logical process, which starts from the alignment of the company's strategy with the human resources strategy and definition within a new service model of all the factors discussed Integrated: People, Processes, Structure, and Technology.